July 12, 2016
To: Workflow Administrators
Subject: New “Request for GL Chartfields & WhoKeys” application and impacted Universal Workflow forms
Accounting and Financial Reporting (AFR) and the Grant Accounting Office (GAO) are pleased to announce the campus release of the new Request for General Ledger Chartfields & WhoKeys (CF/WK) application. It is available effective today, to all GLDSS online users in Self Service – Administration – Systems. This application has been in pilot with several units across campus for the last 3 months.
The CF/WK application will be used to request the following new Chartfield values:
- Departments
- Subdepartments
- Grant Programs (Other, Cost Share & Gifts)
- WhoKeys (Other, Cost Share, Gifts and Salary Cap)
- Cost Centers within the faculty range (1000-8999)
This is the first financial application to use the new Universal Workflow for routing and approving the creation of GL Chartfield and WhoKey requests.
The application routing rules require that the Org-level Budget Officer and any Administrative Assistant roles (as set up in Institutional Roles application) are routed all initiated requests. One of the individuals in this routing must review and approve these requests to complete the transaction in Workflow. This requirement has already been built into the application so there is no set up required by the Org or Department workflow administrators for this routing rule. However, campus departments and org units have the option of requiring additional office routings. The optional route(s) would be set up by your Workflow Administrator by setting up Org or Department level Custom Offfice(s) by position, individual or role or using the Default Office route.
Please first discuss with your Budget Officer if any optional office routings should be set up in Universal Workflow for the “Business Office Request – GL Chartfields and WhoKeys” form and sub types. If optional office routing should be set up, then click here to access Universal Workflow and review your office units’ default routes or to establish custom office routes. Once you have logged into the Universal Workflow site, if you have a link titled “Offices” in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page, this indicates that you have been assigned a Workflow Administrator or Route Editor role in at least one office. When you click on the “Offices” link, you will be taken to a list of your Offices and roles you’ve been assigned. Once you click on a particular office you will be taken to the detail page for that area.
We have created a comprehensive user manual for the application and will also have optional training for end users and workflow administrators (one session in July and one in August). Details of the session dates/times will be communicated soon. We have built the application to be intuitive and user-friendly, so it is highly likely that most users can easily use the application without any training.
We will offer a grace period to allow requests for new Chartfields and WhoKeys to be submitted through the current paper/email-based process. However, effective September 1, all requests for new Chartfields and WhoKeys that are allowed through the CF/WK application, will be required to be submitted through the application only.
Please direct any questions & comments as follows:
Universal Workflow:
- Customer Support: workflow@uiowa.edu
- General Training Materials for Universal Workflow: https://workflow.uiowa.edu/help
- Universal Workflow GL Chartfields & WhoKeys Training Materials
Chartfields & WhoKeys application:
- Customer Support: afr-chartfield-whokey@uiowa.edu.
- ***NOTE: please include in the email Subject line of “CF/WK app” to help us direct the email to the appropriate staff for assistance.
- User Manual: Link added soon
- GL Chartfields & WhoKeys GLDSS User Memo (7/12/16)