GL Chartfield and WhoKey Maintenance Request Guidelines

Requests for NEW Chartfield values and WhoKeys in the General Ledger are required to be submitted through the Request for General Ledger Chartfields & WhoKeys application for the following: Department, Subdepartment, Grant/Programs starting with '3' (Cost Share), '5' (Other - Org Unit/Departmental Programs) or '8' (Gifts), new WhoKeys for Cost Share, Salary Cap (Grant/Program 31111111), Gifts and Other (Grant/Program 00000000 or starts with '5'), and Cost Centers limited to the faculty range of 1000-8999 . Please refer to the User Manual of the application for further details.

For the following Chartfield and WhoKey request types: 

  • A NEW Chartfield or WhoKey value that cannot be submitted through the Request for General Ledger Chartfields & WhoKeys application due to it not meeting the business rules used for the application. In those cases, they must be set up manually by the staff within the Controller’s Office (listed below)
  • Maintenance to an EXISTING Chartfield or WhoKey value to update description, open/close dates and active/inactive status

Contact the following Controller’s Office units/staff for questions and to review, approve and complete manual set up and updates:

Grant Accounting Office (GAO):

        • Gifts (Funds 520/525) send to Rosemary Sullivan
        • Grants (Funds 500/510) and cost share accounts (Grant/Program ID 3) are closed according to the terms of the award agreement. Send to the appropriate GAO contact.

Accounting and Financial Reporting (AFR):

Capital Projects: General Education (Fund 050), Health Care Units (Funds 170/180), Unexpended Plant (Funds 600-699) and Renewals and Replacement Plant (Funds 700-799) Grant/Program ID 6 send to LeAnn Smith and Karlyn Larson

Financial Analysis: Service Centers (Fund 261) send to Ted Welter and Denise Bruck

Note for Fund 900 WhoKeys: Fund 900 accounts used for capitalizing equipment or software are set up by Capital Asset Management (CAM) staff.  Fund 900 WhoKeys used for capitalizing land improvements, infrastructure, and buildings are set up by a month-end close process run by Accounting and Financial Reporting (AFR).  In the rare case AFR receives a request to set up a Fund 900 WhoKey, AFR will forward to CAM for evaluation on handling. AFR will manually set up Fund 900 WhoKeys during month-end close if necessary for completing closing processes. Please contact CAM at for questions related to capitalizing equipment or software.