EFR & related information FAQs

General Information

What is an MFK?
The Master File Key (MFK) consists of 11 elements and sub-elements for a total length of 40 characters. The MFK structure is illustrated below:

  • Fund
  • Organizational Unit (Org)
  • Department (Dept)
  • Sub-Department (SubDept)
  • Grant/Program ID (ID)
  • Grant/Program Number (Grant/Prgm)
  • Institutional Account( (Iacct)
  • Organizational Account (Oacct)
  • Departmental Account (Dacct)
  • Function (Funct.)
  • Cost Center (Cost Cntr)
Cost Ctr
xxx xx xxxx xxxxx x xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx

What is the difference between a WhoKey and an MFK?
A WhoKey includes the following components of the MFK: Fund, Org Unit, Dept, Sub-dept, Grant/Program, Function and Budget Reference Field.

What is the difference between a WhoKey and an Account?
These terms are used interchangeably and mean the same thing.

What is the policy for reviewing the monthly reports and what are my responsibilities?
Please read the Monthly Review of Transactions & Accounts Policy.

WhoKey Assignments

How do I obtain rights to Transaction Detail Reports for reconciliation?
You must be assigned a WhoKey role for each account. This can be done by the account owner, department administrator or Org administrator for your unit through the WhoKey Administration application on Self Service.

Why am I getting these monthly notifications? What am I required to do?
You have an assigned role for at least one account. Check with your supervisor for direction on your specific role in reviewing or reconciling each report.

How can I stop receiving the monthly email notifications?
You can turn off email notifications by changing your Electronic Financial Reports saved preferences.  Go to Self Service > Business & Financial Systems > Data, Reports & Dashboards > Electronic Financial Reports (EFR) Portal.  Next, click on the "Saved Preferences" tab and un-check the box for "Send me an email notification when monthly reports are available to be viewed".  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save Changes" button to apply your new setting.
Please Note that you should be aware that you continue to have certain responsibilities for review of these accounts, even if you choose to turn off the email notifications. Per the University “Monthly Review of Transactions and Accounts” policy, if you think you should no longer be assigned a role for the accounts listed, please contact your departmental administrator listed in Self Service > My Self Service > My HR Rep/Workflow Admin/Dept Admin or the account Owner for the specific accounts listed.

I am no longer responsible for these reports, how can I be removed?
If you have terminated your employment or transferred departments, an automated procedure should remove you. Otherwise, you can check with your supervisor or department administrator to have the account re-assigned.

These WhoKeys are closed, why do they keep appearing on the monthly notifications?
The WhoKeys will remain on your list until they are made "inactive". Before an account can be inactivated, all balances must be zero. You can request an account inactivation through the WhoKey Administration application; for Fund 500/510 accounts, make the request through your Grant Accounting contact.

Are WhoKey Owners required to approve TDR's?
An Owner or reviewer can approve any TDR that they are assigned a role.

Will the owner of the "main" grant see reconcilements tor all sub-accounts?
The "main" account owner can be assigned as a secondary reviewer of each sub-account. Another solution may be for the "main" account owner to voluntarily subscribe to the sub-account TDR's.

What if WhoKeys are not assigned?
Business Officers will see these on the Unassigned WhoKey report distributed monthly. Terminated and transferred employees will have assignments automatically removed.

Do account owners/reviewers need GLDSS online access to be set up with an EFR role or to get into the EFR portal to view reports?

Is there a way to assign multiple Owner, Reviewer or Secondary Reviewer roles at once?
There is a "Transfer Roles" button at the bottom of the screen in the WhoKey Administration Application.  Select multiple records using the checkbox at the left of each account, then use the "Transfer Roles" button for Owners or Reviewers.  Use the "Add or Delete Roles" button for multiple Secondary Reviewer updates.

Transaction Detail Report

Why am I unable to open my report?
Check the "Activity" column in your report list. If there is no activity for the period, no TDR is created and no further action is needed.

Once reconciled, can a report be marked as "unreconciled"?
Yes, there is a button at the bottom of the TDR.

Who can "unreconcile" an account?
Any owner or reviewer can unreconcile for the specific accounts that they are assigned a role.

Can users voluntarily subscribe to any account?
Yes. Just as current GLDSS users can query any account now. The account owner and reviewer will be notified when a voluntary subscription is created for an account they are assigned.

Can you drill down to CumComp details for voluntary subscriptions?
The user must have CumComp access rights if they are not the owner or reviewer. Owners or reviewers can drill down to CumComp automatically for accounts where they have an assigned role.

Can another user delete my TDR comments?
Any owner or reviewer can delete comments for accounts where they have an assigned role.

Can TDR comments be edited?
Comments can only be deleted by the assigned owner or reviewer of that account. Then you can replace it with a new comment. Multiple comments can be made for a transaction.

When downloading TDR to Excel, will comments be included?
Only the most recent comment will be included.

Is there a limit to the length of transaction or report comments?
The limit is 255 characters, including spaces.

How soon will email notifications be sent to other account owners or reviewers when a new comment is made?

Can TDR comments be carried forward to future periods?

There is an error on my TDR, can I make a change to this transaction?
The "pencil" icon to the left of the transaction will bring up the WebCV pop-up entry form. If you do not have WebCV Security, you will need to complete the Access Request Form (Workflow).

Do owners/reviewers automatically have rights to create WebCV's?
No. If they do not have WebCV rights, the "pencil" icon that allows WebCV's will not appear.

After TDR is reconciled, can corrections still be made?
Yes. You do not need to remove the "reconciled" status to make a correction.

Why does my Administrative Report request return no results?
Be sure to check the period selection, adjustment periods (9XX) may not contain any reports. You may want to uncheck the box that says "Show Adjustment Periods".

How much printed/hard copy documentation needs to be retained?
The online Record Management Policy is being revised to reflect the current electronic environment.

Daily TDR

Where can I find the Daily TDR
There are two methods that can be used to call up a month-to-date (Daily) report: 
               Ad Hoc Search – Open this tool and fill in the desired WhoKey information.  Select the current month-to-date accounting period (this is the default).
               Quick Jump – While viewing a monthly TDR, you can use the “Quick Jump” tool in the report header to request the Daily TDR.  Make sure the period selected is the current month to date (defult), then click on the “Change” button. 

How current is the data in the Daily TDR? 
This report is refreshed daily throughout the month and contains all cumulative month to date transactions similar to the Daily SA3 report available through GLDSS. With the exception of the subsystems listed below as posting daily (including General Ledger Journal Entry transactions), a majority of subsystems post at the end of each month to GL.  As such, please be aware that those systems’ transactions and drilldowns will only be available through the daily TDR beginning on the day after they have posted.

How does the Daily TDR differ from the Monthly TDR? 
There are two notable differences between the Daily TDR & Monthly TDR:

  • The Daily TDR does not currently allow annotations/comments.
  • The Daily TDR is not expected to be reconciled and does not include the reconciliation function.

What subsystems have drill-down capability and when is the information posted? 
Below is a comparison of the drill-down capabilities of the Daily TDR compared to the Daily SA3.

Transaction Subsystem

Is drilldown available in the Daily TDR thru EFR?

Is drilldown available in the Daily SA3 thru GLDSS Reports?

Transactions posted daily or monthly?

Cum Comp (Cumulative Compensation)




Payroll encumbrance








ProTrav (PCV, TEV, cash advances)




APPO (PO, PSFT, Voucher)








UI White Pages (USERID column)




AiM(FM work order system)




MAUI Billing (scholarships/AR)




PeopleSoft Inventory systems




Central Mail (Bulk Mail, Metered Mail)




Web Budget allocations




Workflow history (transaction/approval)





EFR Dashboards

What are EFR Dashboards? 
Dashboard tools are used to monitor key performance indicators.  They provide faster, at-a-glance insights to important account information and allow you to drill down to details at the WhoKey level.  The following metrics are currently built into your dashboard:

  1. TDR Reconciliation Status
  2. WhoKey Owner Role Assignment
  3. WhoKey Reviewer Role Assignment
  4. WhoKey Purpose Definition
  5. Closed WhoKeys with Balances
  6. WhoKeys in Deficit Status
  7. Appropriated Funds Burn Rate

what data is available to me? 
The data that you will have access to is limited to your role(s) as a Business Officer/Department Administrator for your specific org unit(s) or department(s).

Where are Dashboards located? 
Log into Self Service > Business & Financial Systems > Data, Reports & Dashboards > Electronic Financial Reports (EFR) Portal.  If you have access, a “Dashboards” link will be available in the page header.

Where can I find more detailed information? 
Click to read the EFR Dashboard User Manual.

Additional Information and Training

For more complete information about Electronic Financial Reports and the TDR, you may want to review the TDR User Manual.