Tables Available
This table has transactions for the compensation of individuals at the person, journal and Master File Key (MFK) level by pay period. It includes transactions that are entered into the HR Peoplesoft system and adjustments made through the web-based PayCV application.
For more information about the MFK, see the University Accounting Code Manual.
Field Name |
Field Description |
Data Type |
Data Length |
----------------------Comments---------------------- |
The Person Identification Number in the Human Resources system. |
11 |
The individual’s Social Security Number. |
9 |
The individual’s full name in the Human Resources system. |
40 |
Format: Last name and first name with no commas. |
The Job Code in the Human Resources system. |
4 |
The Pay Group in the Human Resources system. |
3 |
The Earnings Code in the Human Resources system. |
3 |
Only associated with salary amounts. |
The Deduction Code in the Human Resources system. |
6 |
Only associated with fringe amounts. |
The Corporation Code element of the University Master File Key (MFK). |
2 |
The Fund element is part of the: |
3 |
The Organizational Unit element is part of the: |
2 |
The Department element is part of the: |
4 |
The system treats Department and Sub-Department as one element for validation purposes. |
The Sub-Department element is part of the: |
5 |
The system treats Department and Sub-Department as one element for validation purposes. |
The Grant/Program element is part of the: |
8 |
The system treats the Grant/Program ID, Grant/Program Number and Grant/Program Sub-Component as one element for validation purposes. |
The Institutional Account element is part of the: |
4 |
For Healthcare Org Units, the system treats Institutional Account and Organizational Account as one element for validation purposes. |
The Organizational Account element is part of the: |
3 |
For Healthcare Org Units, the system treats Institutional Account and Organizational Account as one element for validation purposes. |
GL_DEPT_ACCT_ELEM_CD | The Departmental Account element is part of the: - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 5 | |
GL_FUNCTION_ELEM_CD | The Function element is part of the: - WhoKey - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 2 | |
GL_COST_CTR_ELEM_CD | The Cost Center element is part of the: - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 4 | |
PAY_PRD_BEGIN_DT | The Pay Period Begin Date. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
PAY_PRD_END_DT | The Pay Period End Date. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
PAY_CHECK_DT | The Pay Check Date. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
PAY_AMT | The Amount of the transaction. | NUMBER | 22 | |
GL_JRNL_ID | The Journal Identification (Journal ID) that is assigned to the specified general ledger journal entry. | CHAR | 10 | The first digit indicates the type of journal (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Actuals; 6 – Balance Forward; 7 - Budget; 9– Encumbrance). The Journal ID, Journal Effective Date, Journal Sequence Number and Journal Line Number uniquely identify a journal transaction. |
GL_JRNL_EFFECT_DT | The Journal Effective Date that is assigned to the specified general ledger journal entry. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
GL_JRNL_SEQ_NBR | The Journal Sequence Number that is assigned to the specified general ledger journal entry. | NUMBER | 5 | |
ACCTG_PRD | The Accounting Period represents the fiscal accounting period. | CHAR | 2 | A two character field and is related to the GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD field. The periods are populated as: 01-12: Base periods for all units. July as '01', August as '02' etc. up through June as '12' 13-15: June Preliminary as '13', June Final as '14', June Audit as '15' for year-end closing (15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) |
ACCTG_FISC_YR | The Accounting Fiscal Year represents the University fiscal year. | CHAR | 4 | Example, fiscal year 2001 represents July 2000 through June 2001. |
BUDGET_REF | The Budget Reference (BRF) element is part of the: - WhoKey - Master File Key (MFK) for only sponsored project accounts (funds 500/510) or cost sharing accounts (grant/program starts with a '3'). |
CHAR | 8 | Grant Accounting establishes the values from '01' to '99', based on the budget period(s) specific for each grant/cost share account. All other funding source accounts will have a blank/no value for this field. |
GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD | The PeopleSoft Accounting Period represents the base or adjustment accounting period. | CHAR | 3 | This is a maximum three character field and is related to the ACCTG_PRD field. The periods are populated as: 01-12: Base periods for all units. July as '01', August as '02' etc. up through June as '12' 13-15: June Preliminary as '13', June Final as '14', June Audit as '15' for year-end closing (15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) 901-911: Adjustment periods for Healthcare units accrual reporting. '901' is the July adjustment period that goes with July period '01', etc. (Not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) 912: Adjustment period for June reporting that goes with periods 13, 14 & 15 (Period 15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS). |
ADJUSTMENT_IND | Adjustment Indicator for the accounting period. | CHAR | 1 | A one character field that indicates if the accounting period is an adjustment period (Y) or not (N) and is related to the GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD and ACCTG_PRD fields. The field is populated with a 'Y' when GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD has a value of '901'-'911' OR the ACCTG_PRD has a value of '15'. The field is populated with an 'N' when ACCTG_PRD has a value of '01'-'14'. |
UNIVID | The individual’s University ID in the Human Resources system. | CHAR | 11 |
This table has compensation data for individuals at the person and Master File Key (MFK) level by Accounting Period and Fiscal Year. It includes summarization for data that is entered into the HR Peoplesoft system and adjustments made through the web-based Pay CV application.
For more information about the MFK, see the University Accounting Code Manual.
Field Name |
Field Description |
Data Type |
Data Length |
----------------------Comments---------------------- |
The Person Identification Number in the Human Resources system. |
11 |
The individual’s Social Security Number. |
9 |
The individual’s full name in the Human Resources system. |
40 |
Format: Last name and first name with no commas. |
The Job Code in the Human Resources system. |
4 |
The Corporation Code element of the University Master File Key (MFK). |
2 |
The Fund element is part of the: |
3 |
The Organizational Unit element is part of the: |
2 |
The Department element is part of the: |
4 |
The system treats Department and Sub-Department as one element for validation purposes. |
The Sub-Department element is part of the: |
5 |
The system treats Department and Sub-Department as one element for validation purposes. |
The Grant/Program element is part of the: |
8 |
The system treats the Grant/Program ID, Grant/Program Number and Grant/Program Sub-Component as one element for validation purposes. |
The Institutional Account element is part of the: |
4 |
For Healthcare Org Units, the system treats Institutional Account and Organizational Account as one element for validation purposes. |
The Organizational Account element is part of the: |
3 |
For Healthcare Org Units, the system treats Institutional Account and Organizational Account as one element for validation purposes. |
GL_DEPT_ACCT_ELEM_CD | The Departmental Account element is part of the: - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 5 | |
GL_FUNCTION_ELEM_CD | The Function element is part of the: - WhoKey - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 2 | |
GL_COST_CTR_ELEM_CD | The Cost Center element is part of the: - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 4 | |
PAY_PRD_BEGIN_DT | The Pay Period Begin Date. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
PAY_PRD_END_DT | The Pay Period End Date. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
PAY_CHECK_DT | The Pay Check Date. | DATE | mm/dd/yy | |
PAY_PAY_CUR_AMT | The Pay Amount by the University of Iowa fiscal accounting period. | NUMBER | 22 | |
PAY_PAY_YTD_AMT | The Pay Amount Year-To-Date by the University of Iowa fiscal year. | NUMBER | 22 | |
PAY_FRINGE_CUR_AMT | The Fringe Amount by the University of Iowa fiscal accounting period. | NUMBER | 22 | |
PAY_FRINGE_YTD_AMT | The Fringe Amount Year-To-Date by the University of Iowa fiscal year. | NUMBER | 22 | |
ACCTG_PRD | The Accounting Period represents the fiscal accounting period. | CHAR | 2 | A two character field and is related to the GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD field. The periods are populated as: 01-12: Base periods for all units. July as '01', August as '02' etc. up through June as '12' 13-15: June Preliminary as '13', June Final as '14', June Audit as '15' for year-end closing (15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) |
ACCTG_FISC_YR | The Accounting Fiscal Year represents the University fiscal year. | CHAR | 4 | Example, fiscal year 2001 represents July 2000 through June 2001. |
BUDGET_REF | The Budget Reference (BRF) element is part of the: - WhoKey - Master File Key (MFK) for only sponsored project accounts (funds 500/510) or cost sharing accounts (grant/program starts with a '3'). |
CHAR | 8 | Grant Accounting establishes the values from '01' to '99', based on the budget period(s) specific for each grant/cost share account. All other funding source accounts will have a blank/no value for this field. |
GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD | The PeopleSoft Accounting Period represents the base or adjustment accounting period. | CHAR | 3 | This is a maximum three character field and is related to the ACCTG_PRD field. The periods are populated as: 01-12: Base periods for all units. July as '01', August as '02' etc. up through June as '12' 13-15: June Preliminary as '13', June Final as '14', June Audit as '15' for year-end closing (15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) 901-911: Adjustment periods for Healthcare units accrual reporting. '901' is the July adjustment period that goes with July period '01', etc. (Not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) 912: Adjustment period for June reporting that goes with periods 13, 14 & 15 (Period 15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS). |
ADJUSTMENT_IND | Adjustment Indicator for the accounting period. | CHAR | 1 | A one character field that indicates if the accounting period is an adjustment period (Y) or not (N) and is related to the GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD and ACCTG_PRD fields. The field is populated with a 'Y' when GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD has a value of '901'-'911' OR the ACCTG_PRD has a value of '15'. The field is populated with an 'N' when ACCTG_PRD has a value of '01'-'14'. |
UNIVID | The individual’s University ID in the Human Resources system. | CHAR | 11 |
This view has YTD compensation data for individuals at the person and Master File Key (MFK) level by Accounting Period and Fiscal Year. It includes summarization for data that is entered into the HR Peoplesoft system and adjustments made through the web-based Pay CV application.
For more information about the MFK, see the University Accounting Code Manual.
Field Name |
Field Description |
Data Type |
Data Length |
----------------------Comments---------------------- |
The Person Identification Number in the Human Resources system. |
11 |
The individual’s Social Security Number. |
9 |
The individual’s full name in the Human Resources system. |
40 |
Format: Last name and first name with no commas. |
The Job Code in the Human Resources system. |
4 |
The Corporation Code element of the University Master File Key (MFK). |
2 |
The Fund element is part of the: |
3 |
The Organizational Unit element is part of the: |
2 |
The Department element is part of the: |
4 |
The system treats Department and Sub-Department as one element for validation purposes. |
The Sub-Department element is part of the: |
5 |
The system treats Department and Sub-Department as one element for validation purposes. |
The Grant/Program element is part of the: |
8 |
The system treats the Grant/Program ID, Grant/Program Number and Grant/Program Sub-Component as one element for validation purposes. |
The Institutional Account element is part of the: |
4 |
For Healthcare Org Units, the system treats Institutional Account and Organizational Account as one element for validation purposes. |
The Organizational Account element is part of the: |
3 |
For Healthcare Org Units, the system treats Institutional Account and Organizational Account as one element for validation purposes. |
GL_DEPT_ACCT_ELEM_CD | The Departmental Account element is part of the: - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 5 | |
GL_FUNCTION_ELEM_CD | The Function element is part of the: - WhoKey - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 2 | |
GL_COST_CTR_ELEM_CD | The Cost Center element is part of the: - Master File Key (MFK) |
CHAR | 4 | |
PAY_PAY_YTD_AMT | The Pay Amount Year-To-Date by the University of Iowa fiscal year. | NUMBER | 22 | |
PAY_FRINGE_YTD_AMT | The Fringe Amount Year-To-Date by the University of Iowa fiscal year. | NUMBER | 22 | |
ACCTG_PRD | The Accounting Period represents the fiscal accounting period. | CHAR | 2 | A two character field and is related to the GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD field. The periods are populated as: 01-12: Base periods for all units. July as '01', August as '02' etc. up through June as '12' 13-15: June Preliminary as '13', June Final as '14', June Audit as '15' for year-end closing (15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) |
ACCTG_FISC_YR | The Accounting Fiscal Year represents the University fiscal year. | CHAR | 4 | Example, fiscal year 2001 represents July 2000 through June 2001. |
BUDGET_REF | The Budget Reference (BRF) element is part of the: - WhoKey - Master File Key (MFK) for only sponsored project accounts (funds 500/510) or cost sharing accounts (grant/program starts with a '3'). |
CHAR | 8 | Grant Accounting establishes the values from '01' to '99', based on the budget period(s) specific for each grant/cost share account. All other funding source accounts will have a blank/no value for this field. |
GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD | The PeopleSoft Accounting Period represents the base or adjustment accounting period. | CHAR | 3 | This is a maximum three character field and is related to the ACCTG_PRD field. The periods are populated as: 01-12: Base periods for all units. July as '01', August as '02' etc. up through June as '12' 13-15: June Preliminary as '13', June Final as '14', June Audit as '15' for year-end closing (15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) 901-911: Adjustment periods for Healthcare units accrual reporting. '901' is the July adjustment period that goes with July period '01', etc. (Not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS) 912: Adjustment period for June reporting that goes with periods 13, 14 & 15 (Period 15 is not used for CumComp purposes, only GLDSS). |
ADJUSTMENT_IND | Adjustment Indicator for the accounting period. | CHAR | 1 | A one character field that indicates if the accounting period is an adjustment period (Y) or not (N) and is related to the GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD and ACCTG_PRD fields. The field is populated with a 'Y' when GL_PS_ACCTG_PRD has a value of '901'-'911' OR the ACCTG_PRD has a value of '15'. The field is populated with an 'N' when ACCTG_PRD has a value of '01'-'14'. |
UNIVID | The individual’s University ID in the Human Resources system. | CHAR | 11 |